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Forestry Department | Jamaica Mangroves Plus Project
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Jamaica Mangroves Plus Project

The “Jamaica Mangroves Plus: Protection and Sustainable Management of Jamaica’s Mangrove Ecosystems and Biodiversity" (GCP/JAM/021/GFF) Project aims to promote a biodiversity-positive approach for the sustainable management of mangrove habitats. The project is strategically aligned with the implementation of the National Mangrove Management Plan (NMMP) and is designed to address the direct drivers of mangrove ecosystem degradation, thereby safeguarding crucial biodiversity. The Jamaica Mangroves Plus Project, is receiving support from the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) through the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. The Forestry Department (FD) is spearheading the implementation of this initiative while collaborating with other key project co-financiers.

Mangroves are beneficial to the coastal lines, the ecosystem and biodiversity. It is necessary for the wetlands and forested areas to be restored, rehabilitated, protected and conserved, and to achieve this the requisite changes will be made to policies and documentation. This project will bring awareness to the importance of mangroves to the necessary parties. Zoning maps to illustrate wetland and forested areas will be created. In addition to this a website will be created to provide status and management of forested wetland which will be monitored and evaluated as per strategy that will be developed by stakeholders.

Project Objective

To promote a biodiversity-positive approach towards sustainable management of mangrove habitats by contributing to the implementation of the National Mangrove Management Plan (NMMP). The goal of the NMMP itself is “to implement strategies that will achieve the conservation of a minimum of 60 percent (7 600 ha) of Jamaica’s government-owned forested wetlands and 20 percent of privately owned forested wetlands by 2062”.

Expected Outcomes
  • Strengthened policy enabling environment for successful implementation of the National Mangrove Management Plan.
  • Ecosystem-based mangrove management, with emphasis in resource users and livelihoods, mainstreamed into land use planning processes.
  • New mangrove protected areas established.
  • Restored health of priority mangrove habitats to improve associated biodiversity and mangrove ecosystem services, including support to marine ecosystems and fisheries.
  • Improved management and dissemination and awareness of Jamaica mangrove habitat knowledge.
  • Effective project management and evaluation to inform adaptive management.